* ROB KUNTZ, Special Guest at ARNECON 2 GAMING CONVENTION 2024, Minneapolis MN, See You There! *

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

DVD Collected Works: Final Pre-Press Notes

A 1975 adventure that I designed will be available with/for the 4 different versions of the DVD and is now at the printers.  We expect that to be complete in 3-5 days.

The DVD itself has tested successfully under MAC, Windows and Unix systems and will be sent off to the DVD completion business.  We estimate that as being one full week from now to complete.

So, everything's finished and right near release.  We also managed to get Eric Bergeron to color Andy Taylor's original great line work for the cover.  Enjoy the combination of great inking and great color by the two!

Friday, August 19, 2016

More of the Same

There's been a lot of yammering about the Gygax estate partnering with Mr. Desanto to produce legacy products from Gary Gygax's pre- and post-TSR intellectual property.

I have some insight into this, and then there's the obvious:  For those in the RPG community who continue to believe that they will ever be given a true and historical treatment of said works such as I attempted to steer Trigee into for Castle Zagig back in 2004, then keep dreaming.

This is a high profile push deal aimed at movies, perhaps novelizations and definitely a computer game minus any historical trappings whatsoever.  The latter, in my estimation, will be like Gygax vanilla aimed at making money and branding for his legacy sake.  This is what, from what I've been lead to understand, Gail Gygax wants, so more power to her there in that enterprise and I wish her luck.

But gamers--do not get your hopes out of joint, for if the Castle or related RPG works from that time period were to be published it would have happened by now way before this deal.

Then there is the matter that a full 20 levels from that Castle are claimed as my intellectual property alone, and I have had no contact over their use from the Gygax estate, all of which in that regard, I am monitoring very closely.

So buckeroos, dream on, but just a down to earth reminder, this is Gail's show, and rightly so, so don't be looking for the low-end deals through this partnership.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

El Raja Key Archive Sample Image

"The Mound" &" Ruins of Seer" Adjoined Super Adventure

This is from the "Ruins of Seer" a massive Greyhawk Adventure I had written BitD (1983-1985) and that was never published due to TSR's inimical stance with Gary and myself and the marginalization of Greyhawk due to that.  I tried to sell it as a Expert level adventure to TSR in 1985 but they showed no interest in it after seeing it and having it described to them when I visited with both Bruce Heard and Harrold Johnson about it.

This is representative of the quality of material that is on the DVD.